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Recent Painting & Decorating Projects by Lally Decorators

Take a look inside some of the most recent creations by Lally Painting & Decorating Industrial & Commercial Painting Contractor. These projects involved us applying colour and paint to brighten up the working, learning, recuperation and living environments of our prestigious list of clients.

Our Lady Help of Christians | Church Painting Contractors Dublin

In 2023 we were awarded the contract to paint Our Lady Help of Christians Church on the Navan Road in Dublin. The challenge presented by the church was to start the project after the final wedding in the season and have the works completed before advent. That gave us 13 weeks to erect the scaffold, paint the church in full and dismantle the scaffold!

In order to meet the deadline our forward we sat down with the management team in the church and established what was important to them. From there we created a programme of works that ensured the deadline was reached and that the church remained operational during the works! The church was handed back the day before advent and the clergy got to attend mass while the works were ongoing

As part off the project the management team requested that we put forward a palette of colours that would be suitable for the environment and that would age well. We brought in our colour consultant who liaised with the committee charged with painting the church. The fixture and fittings of the church were assessed and a complementary colour palette was put forward and got approved!

Upon completion of the works members of the church’s management team commented on how well the project ran and we successfully managed to transform the look of the church!

We have been painted many churches over the years. Recent churches we completed include

Our Lady of Dolours, Glasnevin

Bayside Parish Church, Sutton

Arbour Hill Church, Dublin 7

If you’re planning to get a church you’re involved with painted please contact Lally to arrange an onsite conultation